A friend of mine has built a catalytic hydrogen generator which can produce 720l of hydrogen per minute!
What is remarkable is not only the rate of production, it is the fact that he is producing it above unity i.e. he is getting far more energy out by burning the hydrogen that is required to generate it.
This is truly astounding. It is probably as important a breakthrough as the development of the light bulb or something. I still cannot believe it.
You can read about his project at the following site:
More information about the blacklight hydrogen process can be found at:
Apparently they are able to produce hydrogen with a lover electronic ground state than was previously thought possible. This lowering of the electron's orbital releases a significant amount of energy ! The orbital recovers though as it is exposed to sunlight.
More information about the toroid magnetic generator has be found at
Take 2 hours to watch the videos because this is eureka science!!
Have a look because this will fundamentally change the world economy. The solar-hydrogen economy has been replaced with the geomagnetic-hydrogen economy. Nothing like this has ever been done!!!
I will try to arrange for a demonstration sometime later this semester if you want?