Friday, October 30, 2009

Environmental Management I Marksheet

Initials Surname Student # Semester test 1 % Semester test 2 % Assignment % Predicate
LB BABILI 209049929 54,0 60,0% 32,0 30,5% 16 80,0% 52,2%
RB DIBAKOANE 209195852 46,5 51,7% 85,5 81,4% 15 75,0% 68,2%
KJ HANYANE 208027468 50,5 56,1% 62,5 59,5% 18 90,0% 64,3%
CK ITOLO 209131684 32,0 35,6% 89,0 84,8% 15,5 77,5% 63,6%
AM KGAREA 209134896 73,0 81,1% 84,5 80,5% 16 80,0% 80,6%
AA KHUSWANA 209130548 63,5 70,6% 85,0 81,0% 15,5 77,5% 76,1%
HA KUNENE 209142066 69,0 76,7% 75,5 71,9% 18 90,0% 77,4%
RT LECHABA 209210355 48,5 53,9% 75,0 71,4% 18 90,0% 68,1%
NE LEPHALALA 209206951 45,5 50,6% 63,0 60,0% 14 70,0% 58,2%
AP LETSOALO 209030632 57,0 63,3% 88,5 84,3% 15 75,0% 74,0%
MP MAEKO 208022148 57,0 63,3% 90,5 86,2% 16 80,0% 75,8%
JM MAGORO 209227908 47,0 52,2% 67,0 63,8% 14 70,0% 60,4%
SJ MAHLANGU 209210371 48,0 53,3% 67,0 63,8% 15,5 77,5% 62,4%
NJ MAKENA 209147807 40,5 45,0% 81,0 77,1% 19,5 97,5% 68,4%
KE MALEFO 209013606 69,5 77,2% 77,5 73,8% 19,5 97,5% 79,9%
PD MASANGO 209186420 43,5 48,3% 69,5 66,2% 18 90,0% 63,8%
DT MASHISHI 209148153 43,0 47,8% 82,5 78,6% 15,5 77,5% 66,0%
MC MEKGOE 209144069 40,0 44,4% 81,0 77,1% 18 90,0% 66,6%
BY MKOKO 209126087 55,5 61,7% 84,0 80,0% 18 90,0% 74,7%
T MMAKO 209009048 48,0 53,3% 89,0 84,8% 16 80,0% 71,2%
WEM MMOTONG 209016257 47,0 52,2% 91,0 86,7% 16 80,0% 71,6%
RL MNISI 209210053 37,5 41,7% 78,5 74,8% 15 75,0% 61,6%
DO MODISAMONGWE 209051125 64,5 71,7% 100,0 95,2% 17 85,0% 83,8%
MP MOKONE 208003879 55,0 61,1% 82,5 78,6% 16 80,0% 71,9%
SEM MONKOE 208201883 32,5 36,1% 72,5 69,0% 15,5 77,5% 57,6%
PM MPAKETSANE 208044567 47,0 52,2% 89,5 85,2% 15,5 77,5% 70,5%
LR MPHAHLELE 206273932 45,5 50,6% 71,5 68,1% 15,5 77,5% 63,0%
TV MSIZA 209211238 62,0 68,9% 76,0 72,4% 14 70,0% 70,5%
Z MTHEMBU 209125285 57,5 63,9% 84,0 80,0% 18 90,0% 75,6%
MP NAMANYANE 209060752 44,0 48,9% 80,0 76,2% 19,5 97,5% 69,5%
M NETSHISAULU 209211467 62,0 68,9% 60,0 57,1% 15,5 77,5% 65,9%
T NEVHULAUDZI 208094793 37,5 41,7% 96,0 91,4% 15,5 77,5% 68,7%
T NGANGA 209176041 60,0 66,7% 82,0 78,1% 19,5 97,5% 77,4%
CB NGELE 206000708 61,0 67,8% 80,0 76,2% 19,5 97,5% 77,1%
BTV NGUDLE 209135248 65,5 72,8% 82,5 78,6% 19,5 97,5% 80,0%
TM NNENE 209138506 54,5 60,6% 79,5 75,7% 17 85,0% 71,5%
AB PETERS 209191768 63,0 70,0% 74,5 71,0% 0 0,0% 56,4%
MC PHALA 209039028 65,0 72,2% 61,5 58,6% 16 80,0% 68,3%
A SADIKI 208055488 48,5 53,9% 77,5 73,8% 16 80,0% 67,1%
JW SATULA 208075020 37,0 41,1% 43,0 41,0% 0 0,0% 32,8%
KL SEKHU 209110652 55,0 61,1% 23,0 21,9% 14 70,0% 47,2%
TP SKOSANA 209208156 41,5 46,1% 55,5 52,9% 18 90,0% 57,6%
MD SONO 207034983 57,0 63,3% 85,0 81,0% 15 75,0% 72,7%
S XABANISA 209061902 77,5 86,1% 92,0 87,6% 19,5 97,5% 89,0%
AVERAGE 52,5 58,3% 76,1 72,4% 15,86363636 79,3% 68,2%

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Environmental Resources IV (ERS410T)

Risk assessment component

Initials Surname Student number Semester test 1 % Calculations Homework % Predicate
TOD BODVIN 206026561 68 89,5% 0 0,0% 67,1%
ABN MAKAM 205287671 61 80,3% 20 100,0% 85,2%
TP MASHILO 201171083 56 73,7% 20 100,0% 80,3%
MG MATHIPA 200402692 48 63,2% 20 100,0% 72,4%
NC MNISI 204900152 47 61,8% 20 100,0% 71,4%
NN MOEKETSI 206041455 57 75,0% 20 100,0% 81,3%
PL MOEKETSI 206181001 62 81,6% 20 100,0% 86,2%
PK NAKEDI 204178186 0 0,0% 14 70,0% 17,5%
ME NCHABELENG 96064829 37 48,7% 20 100,0% 61,5%
LZ NDLOVU 205035737 58 76,3% 20 100,0% 82,2%
R NEL 206104694 64,5 84,9% 0 0,0% 63,7%
TT RIKHOTSO 205284001 57 75,0% 20 100,0% 81,3%
S SKOSANA 206045450 53 69,7% 20 100,0% 77,3%
J UMUGWANEZA 206017260 0 0,0% 20 100,0% 25,0%
NH WULANA 202181392 41 53,9% 20 100,0% 65,5%
SL NHLAPO 205253440 35 46,1% 20 100,0% 59,5%

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Environmental Management IV (EMG401T)
Life cycle assessment

Initials Surname Student Number Semester test 1 (91) % Calculations Homework LCA Predicate Management accounting Predicate
TOD BODVIN 206026561 68 74,7% 21,0 95,5% 78,9% 80,0% 79,4%
TS MAGOLEGO 204901513 64 70,3% 0,0 0,0% 56,3% 0,0% 28,1%
ABN MAKAM 205287671 71,5 78,6% 19,0 86,4% 80,1% 77,0% 78,6%
TP MASHILO 201171083 80 87,9% 22,0 100,0% 90,3% 75,0% 82,7%
MG MATHIPA 200402692 78 85,7% 16,0 72,7% 83,1% 86,0% 84,6%
NC MNISI 204900152 72 79,1% 0,0 0,0% 63,3% 73,0% 68,1%
NN MOEKETSI 206041455 81 89,0% 18,0 81,8% 87,6% 94,0% 90,8%
PL MOEKETSI 206181001 81 89,0% 21,0 95,5% 90,3% 91,0% 90,6%
PK NAKEDI 204178186 0 0,0% 0,0 0,0% 0,0% 79,0% 39,5%
ME NCHABELENG 96064829 71 78,0% 22,0 100,0% 82,4% 72,0% 77,2%
LZ NDLOVU 205035737 83 91,2% 21,0 95,5% 92,1% 87,0% 89,5%
R NEL 206104694 72 79,1% 22,0 100,0% 83,3% 46,0% 64,6%
SL NHLAPO 205253440 63,5 69,8% 22,0 100,0% 75,8% 88,0% 81,9%
SE RANKAPOLE 202172694 54 59,3% 0,0 0,0% 47,5% 86,0% 66,7%
TT RIKHOTSO 205284001 71 78,0% 22,0 100,0% 82,4% 93,0% 87,7%
S SKOSANA 206045450 70 76,9% 22,0 100,0% 81,5% 69,0% 75,3%
J UMUGWANEZA 206017260 78 85,7% 21,5 97,7% 88,1% 89,0% 88,6%
NH WULANA 202181392 69 75,8% 22,0 100,0% 80,7% 66,0% 73,3%

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