Sunday, August 31, 2008

Tip number 136: Junk the junk

Be honest - how many of those flyers and leaflets that drop through
your letter box do you actually read? Thousands of leaflets are thrown
away each year, contributing to paper waste. Simply put a notice up
saying 'no junk mail'

Tip number 131: See Double

Always choose double glazing for windows. The layer of air trapped
inside the glass prevents heat loss into the cold outdoors and will
insulate your house against hear loss in winter. Similarly it will
keep you cooler in summer. The optimum space between two panes is
20mm. A smaller one leads to greater heat loss.

Taken from '1001 little ways to save our planet' by Esme Floyd

Tip number 129: Do a headstand

It might sound a strange way to live, but in a double story house it
actually makes more environmental sense to have your bedrooms
downstairs and your living space at the top of the house because heat
rises, and you are likely to want your living space to be warmer than
your bedrooms.

Taken from '1001 little ways to save our planet' by Esme Floyd

Tip number 127: Sunny side up

When house hunting or looking for a site to build your new home,
remember that it should face the sunny aspect and be sheltered from
the prevailing cold winds. This will make considerable savings on your
heating bill.

Tip number 126: In the hot water

Solar hot water heaters are becoming much more common as technology
makes them more efficient and less bulky. Solar power is a great wat
to heat water in your home, via copper pipes that transfer heat quickly.

Taken from '1001 little ways to save our planet' by Esme Floyd

Tip number 124: Wood is good

For the sun-facing parts of your house, choose wooden floors as they
make the most of the warmth they get from the sun. They hold onto the
warmth for longer, meaning you're wasting less energy. But make sure
you don't have gaps between floorboards that can cause draughts.

Taken from '1001 little ways to save our planet' by Esme Floyd

Tip number 123: Search for Sunlight

In order to avoid relying on electric lights unnecessarily, try to
arrange your space around the way light falls naturally. In the
northern hemisphere, south-facing portions have the most available
light) or north-facing in the southern hemisphere), so think about
making these the rooms you use the most.

Taken from '1001 little ways to save our planet' by Esme Floyd

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Solid and hazardous waste slideshow 6: Priority chemicals

Solid and hazardous waste slideshow 5: Hazardous waste treatment and disposal

Solid and hazardous waste slideshow 4: How can industry reduce waste?

Solid and hazardous waste slideshow 3: How can you as individual reduce waste (The 5 r's)

Solid and hazardous waste slideshow 2: Common household toxic and hazardous materials

Solid and hazardous waste slideshow 1: Introduction

Tip number 155: Conserve your sun

Add a conservatory to your home to trap the heat of the sun and cut
your heating bills. Bat make sure you have firmly closing doors
between the conservancy and your house. If you don't, heat will be
sucked from your homne on gloomy days.

Tip number 107: Paper your floor

For extra insulation, lay newspaper under your carpet underlay. Choose
a good-quality underlay that is thick and foamy to the touch, and it
will hold the heat in better.

Tip number 106: Make yourself a log

Instead of throwing away your old newspaper, invest in a log-making
machine that compresses and moistens old newspapers and makes them
into slow-burning logs for your fire or wood-burning stove.

Uploaded slideshow

I have uploaded the slideshow for the lecture on Water Pollution. You
need to study the slideshow for next weeks test as well as the one I
uploaded on renewable energy and energy efficiency. The slideshows are
on your dvd as well if you want to load it from there.

Water Pollution Slideshow 5 : Preventing water pollution and water treatment methods