Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Environmental Geology II Predicate Marks

Environmental Geology II Mark list      
Initials Surname Student # Semester Test 1 % Semester test 2 % Predicate
M CHOPELA 206082887 0,0 0,0% 66,0 66,0% 33,0%
AM DANIELS 207080845 55,0 68,8% 90,0 90,0% 79,4%
NV GAOWELE 208037730 39,0 48,8% 68,0 68,0% 58,4%
LM LEDWABA 208219359 49,0 61,3% 64,0 64,0% 62,6%
EM MAKHUBELA 208107208 0,0 0,0% 74,0 74,0% 37,0%
KM MAKWELA 208171011 62,0 77,5% 76,0 76,0% 76,8%
KM MASHISHI 208074300 42,5 53,1% 66,0 66,0% 59,6%
MT MASUKU 208029711 50,0 62,5% 71,0 71,0% 66,8%
MP MATLALA 207080098 65,5 81,9% 77,0 77,0% 79,4%
SA MATOME 208012312 39,0 48,8% 71,0 71,0% 59,9%
GM MBATHA 204900383 50,5 63,1% 69,0 69,0% 66,1%
BL MFOLO 207115380 73,0 91,3% 94,0 94,0% 92,6%
IT MOHLABINE 208217216 35,5 44,4% 74,0 74,0% 59,2%
OF MOKGATLE 207013153 38,0 47,5% 71,0 71,0% 59,3%
CM MONYEPAO 201143187 41,5 51,9% 66,0 66,0% 58,9%
GG MOTLALEKGOSI 208020331 64,5 80,6% 87,0 87,0% 83,8%
PM MPAKETSANE 208044567 45,5 56,9% 68,0 68,0% 62,4%
LR MPHAHLELE 206273932 40,0 50,0% 27,0 27,0% 38,5%
MI NKOANA 208112538 46,5 58,1% 64,0 64,0% 61,1%
EM PAMBU 207019534 57,5 71,9% 85,0 85,0% 78,4%
T PHAGO 208106341 53,5 66,9% 53,0 53,0% 59,9%
MM RAMBAU 208035525 50,0 62,5% 70,0 70,0% 66,3%
L RAMMOLAI 208043757 51,0 63,8% 93,0 93,0% 78,4%
LM SHONGWE 208025848 54,0 67,5% 74,0 74,0% 70,8%
TM SITHOLE 208107194 42,0 52,5% 72,0 72,0% 62,3%
MN TEMBE 208107143 61,5 76,9% 64,0 64,0% 70,4%
KG TSHWAGONG 207068144 56,5 70,6% 87,5 87,5% 79,1%
DS VILAKAZI 207320714 0,0 0,0% 0,0 0,0% 0,0%

Environmental Resources IV - Risk Assessment Marks - Please remember they need to be combined with industrial ecology and waste management

Environmental Resources IV (ERS410T)      
Risk assessment component      
Initials Surname Student number Semester test 1 % Calculations Homework % Predicate  
TOD BODVIN 206026561 68 89,5% 0 0,0% 67,1%
ABN MAKAM 205287671 61 80,3% 20 100,0% 85,2%
TP MASHILO 201171083 56 73,7% 20 100,0% 80,3%
MG MATHIPA 200402692 48 63,2% 20 100,0% 72,4%
NC MNISI 204900152 47 61,8% 20 100,0% 71,4%
NN MOEKETSI 206041455 57 75,0% 20 100,0% 81,3%
PL MOEKETSI 206181001 62 81,6% 20 100,0% 86,2%
PK NAKEDI 204178186 59 77,6% 14 70,0% 75,7% Special test
ME NCHABELENG 96064829 37 48,7% 20 100,0% 61,5%
LZ NDLOVU 205035737 58 76,3% 20 100,0% 82,2%
R NEL 206104694 64,5 84,9% 0 0,0% 63,7%
TT RIKHOTSO 205284001 57 75,0% 20 100,0% 81,3%
S SKOSANA 206045450 53 69,7% 20 100,0% 77,3%
J UMUGWANEZA 206017260 78,5 94,6% 20 100,0% 95,9% Special test
NH WULANA 202181392 41 53,9% 20 100,0% 65,5%
SL NHLAPO 205253440 35 46,1% 20 100,0% 59,5%  

Environmental Management IV predicate marks

Environmental Management IV (EMG401T)          
Life cycle assessment                
Initials Surname Student Number Semester test 1 (91) % Calculations Homework LCA Predicate Management accounting Predicate Remarks
TOD BODVIN 206026561 68 74,7% 21,0 95,5% 78,9% 80,0% 79,4%
TS MAGOLEGO 204901513 64 70,3% 0,0 0,0% 56,3% 0,0% 28,1% Don't know why the marks are missing
ABN MAKAM 205287671 71,5 78,6% 19,0 86,4% 80,1% 77,0% 78,6%
TP MASHILO 201171083 80 87,9% 22,0 100,0% 90,3% 75,0% 82,7%
MG MATHIPA 200402692 78 85,7% 16,0 72,7% 83,1% 86,0% 84,6%
NC MNISI 204900152 72 79,1% 0,0 0,0% 63,3% 73,0% 68,1%
NN MOEKETSI 206041455 81 89,0% 18,0 81,8% 87,6% 94,0% 90,8%
PL MOEKETSI 206181001 81 89,0% 21,0 95,5% 90,3% 91,0% 90,6%
PK NAKEDI 204178186 68 74,7% 17,0 77,3% 75,2% 79,0% 77,1%  
ME NCHABELENG 96064829 71 78,0% 22,0 100,0% 82,4% 72,0% 77,2%
LZ NDLOVU 205035737 83 91,2% 21,0 95,5% 92,1% 87,0% 89,5%
R NEL 206104694 72 79,1% 22,0 100,0% 83,3% 46,0% 64,6%
SL NHLAPO 205253440 63,5 69,8% 22,0 100,0% 75,8% 88,0% 81,9%
SE RANKAPOLE 202172694 54 59,3% 0,0 0,0% 47,5% 86,0% 66,7%
TT RIKHOTSO 205284001 71 78,0% 22,0 100,0% 82,4% 93,0% 87,7%
S SKOSANA 206045450 70 76,9% 22,0 100,0% 81,5% 69,0% 75,3% Did a assignment to replace the 1st semester test
J UMUGWANEZA 206017260 78 85,7% 21,5 97,7% 88,1% 89,0% 88,6%
NH WULANA 202181392 69 75,8% 22,0 100,0% 80,7% 66,0% 73,3%

Environmental Management I Predicates

Environmental Management I Marksheet              
Initials Surname Student # Semester test 1 % Semester test 2 % Assignment % Predicate Remarks
LB BABILI 209049929 54,0 60,0% 32,0 30,5% 16 80,0% 52,2%  
RB DIBAKOANE 209195852 46,5 51,7% 85,5 81,4% 15 75,0% 68,2%
KJ HANYANE 208027468 50,5 56,1% 62,5 59,5% 18 90,0% 64,3%
CK ITOLO 209131684 32,0 35,6% 89,0 84,8% 15,5 77,5% 63,6%
AM KGAREA 209134896 73,0 81,1% 84,5 80,5% 16 80,0% 80,6%
AA KHUSWANA 209130548 63,5 70,6% 85,0 81,0% 15,5 77,5% 76,1%
HA KUNENE 209142066 69,0 76,7% 75,5 71,9% 18 90,0% 77,4%
RT LECHABA 209210355 48,5 53,9% 75,0 71,4% 18 90,0% 68,1%
NE LEPHALALA 209206951 45,5 50,6% 63,0 60,0% 14 70,0% 58,2%
AP LETSOALO 209030632 57,0 63,3% 88,5 84,3% 15 75,0% 74,0%
MP MAEKO 208022148 57,0 63,3% 90,5 86,2% 16 80,0% 75,8%
JM MAGORO 209227908 47,0 52,2% 67,0 63,8% 14 70,0% 60,4%
SJ MAHLANGU 209210371 48,0 53,3% 67,0 63,8% 15,5 77,5% 62,4%  
NJ MAKENA 209147807 40,5 45,0% 81,0 77,1% 19,5 97,5% 68,4%
KE MALEFO 209013606 69,5 77,2% 77,5 73,8% 19,5 97,5% 79,9%
PD MASANGO 209186420 43,5 48,3% 69,5 66,2% 18 90,0% 63,8%
DT MASHISHI 209148153 43,0 47,8% 82,5 78,6% 15,5 77,5% 66,0%
MC MEKGOE 209144069 40,0 44,4% 81,0 77,1% 18 90,0% 66,6%
BY MKOKO 209126087 55,5 61,7% 84,0 80,0% 18 90,0% 74,7%
T MMAKO 209009048 48,0 53,3% 89,0 84,8% 16 80,0% 71,2%
WEM MMOTONG 209016257 47,0 52,2% 91,0 86,7% 16 80,0% 71,6%
RL MNISI 209210053 37,5 41,7% 78,5 74,8% 15 75,0% 61,6%
DO MODISAMONGWE 209051125 64,5 71,7% 100,0 95,2% 17 85,0% 83,8%
MP MOKONE 208003879 55,0 61,1% 82,5 78,6% 16 80,0% 71,9%
SEM MONKOE 208201883 32,5 36,1% 72,5 69,0% 15,5 77,5% 57,6%
PM MPAKETSANE 208044567 47,0 52,2% 89,5 85,2% 15,5 77,5% 70,5%
LR MPHAHLELE 206273932 45,5 50,6% 71,5 68,1% 15,5 77,5% 63,0%
TV MSIZA 209211238 62,0 68,9% 76,0 72,4% 14 70,0% 70,5%
Z MTHEMBU 209125285 57,5 63,9% 84,0 80,0% 18 90,0% 75,6%
MP NAMANYANE 209060752 44,0 48,9% 80,0 76,2% 19,5 97,5% 69,5%
M NETSHISAULU 209211467 62,0 68,9% 100,0 95,2% 15,5 77,5% 81,2%  
T NEVHULAUDZI 208094793 37,5 41,7% 96,0 91,4% 15,5 77,5% 68,7%
T NGANGA 209176041 60,0 66,7% 82,0 78,1% 19,5 97,5% 77,4%
CB NGELE 206000708 61,0 67,8% 80,0 76,2% 19,5 97,5% 77,1%
BTV NGUDLE 209135248 65,5 72,8% 82,5 78,6% 19,5 97,5% 80,0%
TM NNENE 209138506 54,5 60,6% 79,5 75,7% 17 85,0% 71,5%
AB PETERS 209191768 63,0 70,0% 74,5 71,0% 0 0,0% 56,4%
MC PHALA 209039028 65,0 72,2% 90,0 85,7% 16 80,0% 79,2%  
A SADIKI 208055488 48,5 53,9% 77,5 73,8% 16 80,0% 67,1%
JW SATULA 208075020 37,0 41,1% 43,0 41,0% 0 0,0% 32,8%
KL SEKHU 209110652 55,0 61,1% 23,0 21,9% 14 70,0% 47,2%
TP SKOSANA 209208156 41,5 46,1% 55,5 52,9% 18 90,0% 57,6%
MD SONO 207034983 57,0 63,3% 85,0 81,0% 15 75,0% 72,7%
S XABANISA 209061902 77,5 86,1% 92,0 87,6% 19,5 97,5% 89,0%
  AVERAGE   52,5 58,3% 77,6 73,9% 15,86363636 79,3% 68,8%  

Friday, October 30, 2009

Environmental Management I Marksheet

Initials Surname Student # Semester test 1 % Semester test 2 % Assignment % Predicate
LB BABILI 209049929 54,0 60,0% 32,0 30,5% 16 80,0% 52,2%
RB DIBAKOANE 209195852 46,5 51,7% 85,5 81,4% 15 75,0% 68,2%
KJ HANYANE 208027468 50,5 56,1% 62,5 59,5% 18 90,0% 64,3%
CK ITOLO 209131684 32,0 35,6% 89,0 84,8% 15,5 77,5% 63,6%
AM KGAREA 209134896 73,0 81,1% 84,5 80,5% 16 80,0% 80,6%
AA KHUSWANA 209130548 63,5 70,6% 85,0 81,0% 15,5 77,5% 76,1%
HA KUNENE 209142066 69,0 76,7% 75,5 71,9% 18 90,0% 77,4%
RT LECHABA 209210355 48,5 53,9% 75,0 71,4% 18 90,0% 68,1%
NE LEPHALALA 209206951 45,5 50,6% 63,0 60,0% 14 70,0% 58,2%
AP LETSOALO 209030632 57,0 63,3% 88,5 84,3% 15 75,0% 74,0%
MP MAEKO 208022148 57,0 63,3% 90,5 86,2% 16 80,0% 75,8%
JM MAGORO 209227908 47,0 52,2% 67,0 63,8% 14 70,0% 60,4%
SJ MAHLANGU 209210371 48,0 53,3% 67,0 63,8% 15,5 77,5% 62,4%
NJ MAKENA 209147807 40,5 45,0% 81,0 77,1% 19,5 97,5% 68,4%
KE MALEFO 209013606 69,5 77,2% 77,5 73,8% 19,5 97,5% 79,9%
PD MASANGO 209186420 43,5 48,3% 69,5 66,2% 18 90,0% 63,8%
DT MASHISHI 209148153 43,0 47,8% 82,5 78,6% 15,5 77,5% 66,0%
MC MEKGOE 209144069 40,0 44,4% 81,0 77,1% 18 90,0% 66,6%
BY MKOKO 209126087 55,5 61,7% 84,0 80,0% 18 90,0% 74,7%
T MMAKO 209009048 48,0 53,3% 89,0 84,8% 16 80,0% 71,2%
WEM MMOTONG 209016257 47,0 52,2% 91,0 86,7% 16 80,0% 71,6%
RL MNISI 209210053 37,5 41,7% 78,5 74,8% 15 75,0% 61,6%
DO MODISAMONGWE 209051125 64,5 71,7% 100,0 95,2% 17 85,0% 83,8%
MP MOKONE 208003879 55,0 61,1% 82,5 78,6% 16 80,0% 71,9%
SEM MONKOE 208201883 32,5 36,1% 72,5 69,0% 15,5 77,5% 57,6%
PM MPAKETSANE 208044567 47,0 52,2% 89,5 85,2% 15,5 77,5% 70,5%
LR MPHAHLELE 206273932 45,5 50,6% 71,5 68,1% 15,5 77,5% 63,0%
TV MSIZA 209211238 62,0 68,9% 76,0 72,4% 14 70,0% 70,5%
Z MTHEMBU 209125285 57,5 63,9% 84,0 80,0% 18 90,0% 75,6%
MP NAMANYANE 209060752 44,0 48,9% 80,0 76,2% 19,5 97,5% 69,5%
M NETSHISAULU 209211467 62,0 68,9% 60,0 57,1% 15,5 77,5% 65,9%
T NEVHULAUDZI 208094793 37,5 41,7% 96,0 91,4% 15,5 77,5% 68,7%
T NGANGA 209176041 60,0 66,7% 82,0 78,1% 19,5 97,5% 77,4%
CB NGELE 206000708 61,0 67,8% 80,0 76,2% 19,5 97,5% 77,1%
BTV NGUDLE 209135248 65,5 72,8% 82,5 78,6% 19,5 97,5% 80,0%
TM NNENE 209138506 54,5 60,6% 79,5 75,7% 17 85,0% 71,5%
AB PETERS 209191768 63,0 70,0% 74,5 71,0% 0 0,0% 56,4%
MC PHALA 209039028 65,0 72,2% 61,5 58,6% 16 80,0% 68,3%
A SADIKI 208055488 48,5 53,9% 77,5 73,8% 16 80,0% 67,1%
JW SATULA 208075020 37,0 41,1% 43,0 41,0% 0 0,0% 32,8%
KL SEKHU 209110652 55,0 61,1% 23,0 21,9% 14 70,0% 47,2%
TP SKOSANA 209208156 41,5 46,1% 55,5 52,9% 18 90,0% 57,6%
MD SONO 207034983 57,0 63,3% 85,0 81,0% 15 75,0% 72,7%
S XABANISA 209061902 77,5 86,1% 92,0 87,6% 19,5 97,5% 89,0%
AVERAGE 52,5 58,3% 76,1 72,4% 15,86363636 79,3% 68,2%

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Environmental Resources IV (ERS410T)

Risk assessment component

Initials Surname Student number Semester test 1 % Calculations Homework % Predicate
TOD BODVIN 206026561 68 89,5% 0 0,0% 67,1%
ABN MAKAM 205287671 61 80,3% 20 100,0% 85,2%
TP MASHILO 201171083 56 73,7% 20 100,0% 80,3%
MG MATHIPA 200402692 48 63,2% 20 100,0% 72,4%
NC MNISI 204900152 47 61,8% 20 100,0% 71,4%
NN MOEKETSI 206041455 57 75,0% 20 100,0% 81,3%
PL MOEKETSI 206181001 62 81,6% 20 100,0% 86,2%
PK NAKEDI 204178186 0 0,0% 14 70,0% 17,5%
ME NCHABELENG 96064829 37 48,7% 20 100,0% 61,5%
LZ NDLOVU 205035737 58 76,3% 20 100,0% 82,2%
R NEL 206104694 64,5 84,9% 0 0,0% 63,7%
TT RIKHOTSO 205284001 57 75,0% 20 100,0% 81,3%
S SKOSANA 206045450 53 69,7% 20 100,0% 77,3%
J UMUGWANEZA 206017260 0 0,0% 20 100,0% 25,0%
NH WULANA 202181392 41 53,9% 20 100,0% 65,5%
SL NHLAPO 205253440 35 46,1% 20 100,0% 59,5%

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Environmental Management IV (EMG401T)
Life cycle assessment

Initials Surname Student Number Semester test 1 (91) % Calculations Homework LCA Predicate Management accounting Predicate
TOD BODVIN 206026561 68 74,7% 21,0 95,5% 78,9% 80,0% 79,4%
TS MAGOLEGO 204901513 64 70,3% 0,0 0,0% 56,3% 0,0% 28,1%
ABN MAKAM 205287671 71,5 78,6% 19,0 86,4% 80,1% 77,0% 78,6%
TP MASHILO 201171083 80 87,9% 22,0 100,0% 90,3% 75,0% 82,7%
MG MATHIPA 200402692 78 85,7% 16,0 72,7% 83,1% 86,0% 84,6%
NC MNISI 204900152 72 79,1% 0,0 0,0% 63,3% 73,0% 68,1%
NN MOEKETSI 206041455 81 89,0% 18,0 81,8% 87,6% 94,0% 90,8%
PL MOEKETSI 206181001 81 89,0% 21,0 95,5% 90,3% 91,0% 90,6%
PK NAKEDI 204178186 0 0,0% 0,0 0,0% 0,0% 79,0% 39,5%
ME NCHABELENG 96064829 71 78,0% 22,0 100,0% 82,4% 72,0% 77,2%
LZ NDLOVU 205035737 83 91,2% 21,0 95,5% 92,1% 87,0% 89,5%
R NEL 206104694 72 79,1% 22,0 100,0% 83,3% 46,0% 64,6%
SL NHLAPO 205253440 63,5 69,8% 22,0 100,0% 75,8% 88,0% 81,9%
SE RANKAPOLE 202172694 54 59,3% 0,0 0,0% 47,5% 86,0% 66,7%
TT RIKHOTSO 205284001 71 78,0% 22,0 100,0% 82,4% 93,0% 87,7%
S SKOSANA 206045450 70 76,9% 22,0 100,0% 81,5% 69,0% 75,3%
J UMUGWANEZA 206017260 78 85,7% 21,5 97,7% 88,1% 89,0% 88,6%
NH WULANA 202181392 69 75,8% 22,0 100,0% 80,7% 66,0% 73,3%

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Prescribed textbook for EMG10YT

Environmental Management I Study Guide









Environmental Management I



Study Guide



Rudolph Robbertze

Department of Environmental, Water and Earth Sciences

Faculty of Sciences


Tel 012 382 6320


Table of contents



1.     Introduction            3

2.    Topics covered            4

3.    Study material            5

4.    Schedule            8

5.    Assessments            9

6.   Predicate marks            9

7.    Lecturer information            10

1.    Introduction


Environmental management I in conjunction with the other subjects taken during the first year provide the foundation on which any further subjects are built. It is therefore essential that you understand the subject matter at this stage.


Ecology and geology were covered in subjects like environmental resources and geology 1 this semester. Environmental management I tries to fill the gaps left by those subjects.


The topics covered are central in environmental sciences and it is not difficult to argue that EMG10YT is in fact THE most important subject you will take this year. That said, Environmental Management I – Applied is not difficult but you will have to take the time to go through the material diligently. Distinctions are not uncommon in this subject and it is up to you what you get back from the
2. Topics covered


2.     Non-renewable energy

3.     Renewable energy and energy efficiency

4.     Water resources

5.     Water pollution

6.    Air pollution

7.     Climate change and ozone depletion

8.    Solid and hazardous waste

It is important that you actually do the 'missing' chapters during your first year of study. If you do not cover the other chapters in subjects like environmental resources I you will have to read through them on your own.


9.   Study material



The following textbook is essential for this subject:

Living in the environment, 13th to 16th edition, G.Tyler Miller and Scott E. Spoolman, ISBN-13: 978-0-495-55671-8, ISBN-10: 0-495-55671-8


::::::Desktop:Living in the Environment 16th Ed01.jpg


The above picture is of the 16th edition of the textbook. Other editions have other covers. Try to find the 16th edition, but if you already have an earlier edition, use that since most of the information has remained the same.

A number of web bookmarks have been included on the dvd.

Only a few of those web links have been included here to provide you with a starting point for searching the web. Take some time to gain additional knowledge on the topics covered. Every minute spent now will save you five in the future since this is what you will be doing for your career as environmental scientist.


Solar aid



Earth 4 energy






World resource institute



World wildlife fund



Scientific American











You will be given a dvd containing various different files in different file formats. Have a look at the file formats heading for information on how to open the files.



::::::Desktop:Dvd 1 window.tiff





File formats on the dvd

Pdf documents contain documents with the file extention .pdf

You can open these documents with Adobe Acrobat. I have included the installation files for Adobe Acrobat 8 on the dvd.


Powerpoint presentation contain Powerpoint slideshows and can be opened with Microsoft Powerpoint. The following versions of Powerpoint will open the files: Powerpoint in Office XP, Powerpoint in Office 2003 and Powerpoint in Office 2007.


The folder web pages contain saved websites in html format. You can view them with any web browser including Internet explorer, Netscape, Firefox and Safari.



Printed Notes

You will be given printed notes in some of the classes. At the moment it is not clear for which chapters they will be. Not all of the printed notes will be on the dvd since they were not ready at the moment of creating the dvd.








Non-renewable energy


Renewable energy and energy efficiency



Renewable energy and energy efficiency

(hydroelectricity, geothermal, biomass and biofuels, wind energy)



(Rivers and life and/or Planet mechanics)

Ties into water pollution and renewable energy respectively.


Semester test 1

(Topics covered thus far)


Water pollution


Air pollution


Semester test 2

(Topics covered since last test)


TUT Holiday


Climate change

(An inconvenient truth and 6 degrees)



Climate change and ozone depletion



Solid and hazardous waste


Semester test 3

(Topics covered since last test)


Predicate Day


In examination time


In examination time


Please note although the year planning is a guide that we will try hard to follow, some changes may still occur. You will be diligently informed of them if they occur.
5. Assessments

You will be given three semester tests to write during the semester. I have opted to do this to make sure you only have a manageable amount of work to study per test. You will most likely not be given any assignments during this semester. Please read through the chapters long in advance of writing the test to ensure that you understand the work and not only memorize it point for point.


Semester Test 1

Date: 27th of August 2009


Non-renewable energy

Energy efficiency

Renewable energy


Semester Test 2

Date: 17th of September 2009


Water pollution

Air pollution


Semester Test 3

Date: 22nd of October 2009


Climate change and ozone depletion

Solid and hazardous waste




6. Predicate marks, exam requirements etc.

The predicate will be calculated as follows:


Predicate = 33% for semester test 1 + 33% for semester test 2 +

33% for semester test 3


A 40% predicate will be required to gain entrance into the main exam. You will then require a 50% mark to pass the exam. If you get between 40% and 50% you will be allowed to write a supplementary exam.

Final mark = 50% for predicate + 50% for exam.

Your final mark must be above 50% to pass the subject.


7. Lecturer information

Lecturer: Rudolph PJ Robbertze

Email: RobbertzeRPJ@tut.ac.za

Tel: 012 382 6320

Cel: 082 860 4573

Office: 4-218 or 3-131

Hours: Tuesdays to Wednesdays from 08:30 to 16:00