Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The homework from the beginning of the semester - FYI

Environmental Geology II

Homework - Hurricanes

Hand out date September 1st 2008

Due date September 11th 2008


The background:

You have watched two documentaries about Hurricanes and more specifically about Hurricane Katrina that hit New Orleans in 2005. The documentary contained information about the science of hurricanes, the immediate effects of a hurricane like wind, the secondary effects caused by it like the storm surge and the various failures that occurred to make the situation worse. You have learned a lot on how to prepare for hurricanes and what actions can be taken to minimize the loss of property and lives during an event.

At this very moment, another hurricane is headed towards New Orleans. It is called hurricane Gustav.

The question:

Have America learned from the previous disaster. Are their emergency procedures in place? Have they begun to evacuate from the hurricanes path? What damage has occurred this time? Have the people been evacuated in time? Have the levies failed? Has any flooding occurred? Do the people have fresh water and food to drink? Are any emergency rescue procedures underway? How did this hurricane differ from Katrina?

(20 marks)


Please refer to any of the following sources for information:

CNN, BBC, Sky News, SABS News, e-News (tv)

CNN, BBC, Any other site (internet)


Remember to reference what you have written and DO NOT copy from the web pages!  

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