Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tables for environmental chemistry and semester test

I noticed that the tables for what to study for environmental
chemistry doesn't display correctly. There is unfortunately no simple
way to fix this so I will hand them out in class tomorrow. There is
another copy on the notice board outside of the department. Please
have a look.

We also need to write a second semester test in the subject, but our
time is unfortunately very limited. I would therefore like to propose
that we don't do it next week but rather work through another chapter
before the test. The second semester test will be the last test for
the subject so I want to include as much as possible in it.

Chapters we still need to cover:
Earthquakes, Landslides, Meteorite Impacts and Tsunamis.

Please make sure that you get TWO sets of notes for each of the
topics. One set from Wikipedia and the other from Encartha.

I will also upload the other St Lucia photos soon so please keep
visiting the site.


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